Shared mobility – what is it and how can it help me?

“Shared mobility” may sound like another transport-related buzzword – but you probably already know what it means, and you may already be part of it!

What is “shared mobility?”

Put simply, shared mobility means getting around by means of shared transport, e.g. car sharing or using someone else’s EV chargepoint to charge your car. Here are some shared mobility options to consider:

Give or get a lift

The simple act of offering or taking a lift in a car to get somewhere is a form of ‘shared mobility’. But it can extend to more than this, and open up a whole new world of available travel options.

Lift-sharing is easy and convenient between family and friends, but with simple tools can be extended safely and easily to a wider group of people of your choice, such as your neighbours, your work colleagues or even people you don’t know yet.

Rent out your car when you’re not using it

Air BnB is a well-established concept nowadays, enabling people to easily rent out their properties to others. But this principle doesn’t just apply to houses; you can also rent out and hire your car to people you choose – from friends to other people in the community, in a concept known as ‘peer-to-peer’ car sharing. It’s possible to come up with your own simple arrangement with close acquaintances, but available commercial packages can deal with arranging hires, security, insurance and charging, whilst owners can make additional cash from hiring their vehicle out to a wider group of people. 

Rent out your EV charger

Electric vehicles are expected to be the future of car travel, but what should you do if you have no off-street parking where you can reliably and cheaply charge your car? There aren’t enough public chargepoints, they can be more expensive, and are intrusive on residential streets. Again, apps which enable sharing of domestic chargepoints may be the solution, allowing you to rest assured you can top up, whilst the owner receives an income for the electricity sold.

Join a community car club

In some towns, commercial operators provide car clubs where you can hire one of their vehicles when you need it, without the hassle of owning one. Buxton, Belper and Derby have community car clubs.

Curious to learn more or give it a try?

Shared mobility, in all its forms, can provide the travel solutions for so many people; it opens up new opportunities, makes financial sense, reduces pollution, and is more sociable. You can tailor it to meet your needs.  In rural areas it’s especially relevant. And you’ve probably already tried an option. Why not explore some more?

Head to the links above in the article to find reputable platforms and service providers, and let us know how you get on at [email protected]